Monday 30 January 2012

A gentle push or an almighty shove?

Sometimes when we don't get the hint to change direction or listen to our intuition, the universe will give us a gentle push.  If we still don't listen then perhaps it will give us an almighty shove.

I hate to admit that I had been ignoring that little voice in my head for some time now.  I REALLY wanted to move my healing practise back to my home, but the thought of emptying and renovating a room, changing all of my advertising and rearranging my life, seemed all too hard - so I tried not to listen to my soul!  So what happened?  I had an almighty shove.

The business where I have had my practise for the past 2 years was sold, and the new owner, without so much as a word to me, began using my room for storage, removed all of my cards and advertising from the front of house, so that when I came back from my holiday I felt well and truly pushed out!

Solution!  Follow my soul advice that I had been ignoring for the past two years, and move home!  I have cleared, renovated and blessed my new healing room at home people - in one weekend!  It really wasn't that hard - and I am so excited that I've finally done it! 

Have you been ignoring that little quiet voice in your head?  Do something about it before push turns to shove. 
Check out my website to find my new address.

Wednesday 25 January 2012


Intuition is the language of the soul, of the universe.  It is time for me now, to become more aware of how the universe is trying to get my attention. (outside of my work)  I have always been very intuitive and use my intuition all the time in my work, but I miss little things on a personal level.  Little subtle messages tend to slip by me.  My work this week is to become more receptive, more insightful and to stop dismissing the little things as unimportant.  A separate journal is in order.  One just to record the synchronicities, the everyday knowing, the kind of things that I generally don't record in my other journals.  I have chosen a beautiful yellow leatherbound Celtic journal - the sort that makes you feel magikal. 

What messages from the universe have you been missing.  Is it time for you to turn inwards to find the solutions and insights that are awaiting you. Listen for phrases or words that are repeated by more than one person - numbers that keep showing up - specific names that you keep hearing.  Thoughts that keep drifting in and out of your mind.  These are signs.  Pay attention.  Be open. 

Monday 16 January 2012

Observing the psychological landscape

Taking stock
Where are you now on your journey.  Like me you’ve taken the first step of the next adventure, made your resolutions and initiated some changes, but where are you psychologically, emotionally and spiritually.  There is an exercise that I love to do regularly on my journey – it’s like an instant check up.  You can find it in full on my webpage in the “Work with Me” member’s area as it isn’t in the current book. (It will be in the next).  It involves a piece of paper and a pencil, (or paints) and fifteen minutes of drawing, that’s all – and then a little bit of self analysis based on the universal psychological symbols.  All the information you need is on the website.

I can tell from my latest ‘checkup’ that I still need to do a little work on my self esteem.  My life is travelling in the right direction, but I need to trust myself and open up to other people a little more.  I have finally left the traumas of my past behind and removed most of the blocks and walls. 

To continue on my journey however, I must learn to be a little more trusting of not only myself but other people – and I need to figure out another set of ‘changes’ that need to occur.   ‘Changes’ is a great place to re-visit whenever the need arises.
Take a look at your psychological landscape, take stock and see what other 'changes' you need to make before continuing to the next location on your journey.

Sunday 8 January 2012


This moment is all about change.  Yes I'm revisiting yet another spot along my path.  This is a place i visit often, for without change there is no growth.  (For those of you sharing the "Me" Book journey, see worksheet 012).  Sometimes changes are forced upon us and we must go with the flow, settle into a new way of seeing things.  Sometimes you just 'know' it's time for a change. 

The decluttering of the past month, has changed the energy in my life and brought room for exciting changes.  Daunting at first, but necessary! 

I am embracing change with a touch of excitement now.  The possibilities are endless and the future will be what will be.
Everything is as it should be.

What are you ready to change?

Sunday 1 January 2012

Stepping Out - Resolutions

What a great timet to begin this new leg of my "journey", and what better way to start than with a resolution.  (For those of you who are following your own "journey", see worksheet number 029)

To me a resolution is in essence a promise to one's self at this special time of the year - firm determination. BUT it also brings to mind endings, particularly of difficulties.  Resolution also relates to vibrational energies - light, colour, sound and yes the turning of our beautiful Earth.
Bring on this New Year's Resolutions.

Today I set my resolutions for the future.  They are threefold this year, but ultimately related.  I aim to simplify my life which I have already begun by decluttering and streamlining my home.  I am also now committing myself to DAILY meditation - even for only fifteen minutes on those extra busy days.  Thirdly I promise myself to write at least something each day and to chronicle my journey weekly.

And so it is!

Have you made your resolutions yet?